Tapu is a legal document confirming ownership of any property. Owner’s name and surname, as well as detailed information about the assets are included in this document. The transfer of tapu is of great importance in the process of buying and selling real estate. The transfer of tapu is one of the processes that interest both buyers and sellers.
Knowing the steps that must be taken during the transfer of tapu, so as not to make erroneous actions, will play an effective role in speeding up the process and its favorable completion.
“How to get Tapu?” Is among the questions that interest many people. To get Tapu for real estate, such as a house, land, land plot and a commercial building, you must contact the Land Registry Office.
What documents are needed to register Tapu?
Before receiving Tapu, you must perform a certain series of actions and prepare a specific list of documents. However, the first thing to do to get Tapu is to make an appointment. You can make an appointment online on the website of the Land Registry Office.
You should know that if you made an appointment and didn’t come 5 times a year, then you won’t be able to create a new appointment again. You have the right to make an appointment only once a day.
- [1] Documents required to obtain Tapu when buying and selling real estate;
– Identity card and photocopy of the buyer and seller,
– A copy of Tapu,
– 1 photo of the seller, 2 photos of the buyer, 6 x 4 cm in size, taken in the last 6 months,
– Payment of Tap fees and property tax prior to the transaction,
– DASK earthquake insurance and, if available, check its validity.
If transactions are made by proxy, the power of attorney must be notarized.
- When all the documents are prepared, on the day of Tapu:
– The buyer and seller or their representatives must be present at the specified time with identification documents,
– If the buyer or seller does not know how to read and write, it is necessary to have two witnesses who are not relatives of them,
– Transfer of previously paid receipts to the employee executing the transaction,
– Signing documents by all buyers and sellers,
– For those who use mortgage loans, it is necessary to sign documents on opening a loan at the bank.
- There are a few more steps you need to take after receiving Tapu.
– To get subscriber numbers for electricity and water,
– Notify of a changing of residence,
– Notify the municipality of the payment of real estate tax.
Oğuzhan Construction has managed to make changes to housing projects in Alanya, we are preparing special payment plans so that our clients do not have financial difficulties. After the payment is made by the buyer, our company begins preparing for the Tapu transaction and provides all the necessary information about the terms and documents, and accompanies the transaction process.
We continue to delight customers with our solution-oriented approach.
[1] https://www.kamupersoneli.net/mevzuat/yeni-mulk-alacaklar-dikkat-tapu-icin-gerekli-evraklar-nelerdir-h80236.html